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38 matches in 莫言语料对齐\《译丛》养猫专业户 莫言 Renditions 1989 The Cat Specialist By Mo Yan Translated by Janice Wickeri.txt
1 不务正业 5 AUNTIE TOLD ME his dad was an idler who never did an honest day’s work. In the slack winter months when other people were busy in their cellars weaving straw sandals to make money, his dad would be sauntering around, two big cats in his arms. 姑姑对我说过,他的爹【【不务正业】】,闲冬腊月别人忙着下窨子编草鞋赚钱,他的爹却抱着两只大猫东游西逛。
2 东游西逛 5 AUNTIE TOLD ME his dad was an idler who never did an honest day’s work. In the slack winter months when other people were busy in their cellars weaving straw sandals to make money, his dad would be sauntering around, two big cats in his arms. 姑姑对我说过,他的爹不务正业,闲冬腊月别人忙着下窨子编草鞋赚钱,他的爹却抱着两只大猫【【东游西逛】】。
3 龇牙咧嘴 14 The black cat let out a few strange crying noises at him, open-mouthed; then, seeing there was nothing it could do, went off in a huff. 蓝猫怪叫几声,像哭一样,对着他【【龇牙咧嘴】】,无奈何,悻悻地贴着墙根又溜进磨屋里去了。
4 叶落归根 22 The old codger had only been back a year when he died and was buried in the old graveyard in the eastern part of the village. The villagers all called it a case of falling leaves settling on their roots-the way they described it when somebody came home to die. It’s hard to leave your native place. Poor as it may be, you can’t forget it, and all your comings and goings will bring you back one day. 老关东回乡一年就死了,埋在村东老墓田里,村人都说这叫【【叶落归根】】,故土难离,哪怕再穷,也难忘了,老来老去,终究要转回来。
5 故土难离 22 The old codger had only been back a year when he died and was buried in the old graveyard in the eastern part of the village. The villagers all called it a case of falling leaves settling on their roots-the way they described it when somebody came home to die. It’s hard to leave your native place. Poor as it may be, you can’t forget it, and all your comings and goings will bring you back one day. 老关东回乡一年就死了,埋在村东老墓田里,村人都说这叫叶落归根,【【故土难离】】,哪怕再穷,也难忘了,老来老去,终究要转回来。
6 头破血流 25 Things were hard in the village then. All the young people wanted to join the army and they fought tooth and nail over it. 那时农村日子不好,年轻人都想当兵,争得【【头破血流】】的。
7 里里外外 41 Well, so be it, I’d eaten my bellyful for two years and I’d been issued enough clothes from coats to hats to shoes, under- and outer-wear, to last me the rest of my life! 复员就复员,总算吃了两年饱饭,还发了好几套【【里里外外】】从头到脚的新衣新帽,够穿半辈子啦!
8 无济于事 57 Neither his slaughtering those cats, nor his crying and pleading did the squad leader any good. He and I rode in the same vehicle to the station and he caught a steam locomotive back home. 炊事班长杀猫、哭求也【【无济于事】】,与我坐同一辆汽车,哭丧着脸到了火车站,乘一辆烧煤的火车,回他的老家去了。
9 哭丧着脸 57 Neither his slaughtering those cats, nor his crying and pleading did the squad leader any good. He and I rode in the same vehicle to the station and he caught a steam locomotive back home. 炊事班长杀猫、哭求也无济于事,与我坐同一辆汽车,【【哭丧着脸】】到了火车站,乘一辆烧煤的火车,回他的老家去了。
10 奇奇怪怪 77 Curious, I flipped through it. Inside, there were no words, just weird designs. 我好奇地翻开书,书上无字,却画着一些【【奇奇怪怪】】的花纹。
11 不好意思 81 He seemed a bit embarrassed in his turn and, stroking the book said, “It was my dad’s.” 他似乎有些【【不好意思】】,摩挲着那本书道:“这是俺爹的书。”
12 呆头呆脑 91 A light chill crept down my back, and the sound of screams in distant forests seemed to fill my ears. I was on the point of opening my mouth to say something when a rat, albino with red eyes - completely out of it, not even trembling - tumbled down from the rafters and landed in front of the cats. 我的背部有点凉森森的,耳朵里似乎听到极其遥远的山林呼啸声,正欲开口说些什么,就听到啪嗒一声响,见一匹雪白的红眼大鼠从梁上跌下来,跌在群猫面前,【【呆头呆脑】】,身体并不哆嗦。
13 神秘莫测 96 Astonishment welled up inside me. The longer I looked at that enigmatic smile on Boomer’s face, the more unfathomable I felt him to be. 我当时有很大的惊异从心头涌起,看着大响脸上那谜一般的微笑,更觉得他【【神秘莫测】】。
14 居高临下 97 Suddenly the cats, and the ancient, tattered, dust-blanketed New Year pictures stuck to the wall, all seemed endued with supernatural powers. They looked down, grimacing at me in the darkness, their eyes filled with other-worldly wisdom. 一时间,连那些猫,连那土墙上贴着的破旧的布满灰尘的年画,都仿佛通神通鬼,都睁了【【居高临下】】、超人智慧的眼睛,在暗中看着我冷笑。
15 一眨巴眼 108 He filled my cup, then his own, set the wine pot on the brazier to keep warm, cleared his throat and said, “Nephew, it seems like no time at all, but you’ve been back a month already. You roam around all day, don’t have a regular job. Your auntie and I have been watching, but we didn’t want to criticize you - you’re not a child. 他把我的酒盅倒满,又倒满了自己的盅,把酒壶放在“仙人炉”上燎着,清清嗓子,说:“大侄子,【【一眨巴眼】】,你回来就一个月了,整天东溜西溜,不干正事,我和你姑姑看在眼里,也不愿说你。
16 左邻右舍 109 You eat here everyday, and your auntie and I haven’t said anything, but we’re afraid the neighbours will make fun of you! 你也不小了,天天在这里吃饭,我和你姑即便不说什么,只怕【【左邻右舍】】也要笑话你!
17 白吃干饭 112 I shivered inside and took a gulp of wine: “Uncle, auntie, I’m grown-up, ’course I can’t mooch off you! 我的心有点凄凉,喝了酒,说:“姑父,姑姑,我一个大小伙子,自然不能在你家【【白吃干饭】】!
18 如雷贯耳 153 It was in 1985 that the rumours about Boomer were flying thick and fast. My luck had changed. I’d been taken on at the county-level Party residence mess to boil drinking water. I’d tied the knot and my wife’s belly was swelling. With all my heart I was hoping for a son, but she let me down and it was a girl. 有关大响的传说【【如雷贯耳】】是一九八五年,那时我时来运转,被招到县委大院干部食堂烧开水,婚也结了,媳妇的肚子也鼓了起来,满心里盼她生个儿子,可她不争气,到底生了个女儿。
19 时来运转 153 It was in 1985 that the rumours about Boomer were flying thick and fast. My luck had changed. I’d been taken on at the county-level Party residence mess to boil drinking water. I’d tied the knot and my wife’s belly was swelling. With all my heart I was hoping for a son, but she let me down and it was a girl. 有关大响的传说如雷贯耳是一九八五年,那时我【【时来运转】】,被招到县委大院干部食堂烧开水,婚也结了,媳妇的肚子也鼓了起来,满心里盼她生个儿子,可她不争气,到底生了个女儿。
20 喜从天降 157 He said, “Congratulations brother, you’ve been blessed; yes, you’ve been blessed. 他说:“老兄,贺喜,【【喜从天降】】!