
  1. 做一个高情趣的人

    回复: 做一个高情趣的人 ok! obey the rules and behave well !
  2. 中英双语在线(CEO)测试已开通

    回复: 中英双语在线(CEO)测试已开通 我也希望这个语料库今后能够附上统计软件,以方便研究和学习!
  3. 中英双语在线(CEO)测试已开通

    回复: 中英双语在线(CEO)测试已开通 请教各位老师一个问题:检索出来的结果怎么不能被复制和粘贴? 如果要引用出处,怎么办?
  4. 中英双语在线(CEO)测试已开通

    回复: 中英双语在线(CEO)测试已开通 谢谢!这个对研究翻译的准确性和一种表达在另一种语言中表达的复杂性很有帮助。
  5. 编程,我的看法

    回复: 编程,我的看法 编程对于语料库语言学的发展创新有很大的作用。我的导师就很精通编程,经常可以根据自己的需要来编程然后再对语料作比较成熟和符合自己想法的研究。作为语料库语言学的学习者和爱好者,我们是该学好这个编程。
  6. 语料库语言学与认知语言学的方法可以结合吗?

    回复: 语料库语言学与认知语言学的方法可以结合吗? i take great interest in these two fileds of corpus lingusitics and cognitive linguistics. i agree that they can be integrated. corpus data and methods are able to offer statistic data and solid evidence to the concepts and theories and models of cognitive; cognitive...
  7. Bank of English: want to try it?

    回复: Bank of English: want to try it? the interface is simple but the concordance result is just a demonstration. could we try the entire version? thank you!
  8. [探讨] Google As a Corpus Tool

    回复: [探讨] Google As a Corpus Tool i hope that this corpus can offer valuable reference to the construction of "China English", which needs some theroies based on some other varaities of english in the world, like indian english, singapore english.
  9. 语言学术语库

    回复: 语言学术语库 Thanks, professor!