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    我看有的书上说用Descriptives下的Crosstabs,然后再点击Data-->Weight case么?这和Nonparametric下的Chi-square有什么区别吗?请教。
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    关于 WordSmtih 检索 LCMC 总词数

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    也许WordSmith Tools 4 Help里的这段话对你有用: "If a text is 1,000 words long, it is said to have 1,000 "tokens". But a lot of these words will be repeated, and there may be only say 400 different words in the text. "Types", therefore, are the different words."...
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    从汉英翻译的角度,建库的意义不大,除非将中国人的中医英语60%+英语母语者的中医英语20%的比例重置为“中国人的中医英语40%+英语母语者的中医英语40%”,i.e. go-Dutch。 另外,许博士的那句话你想好了没有:"Ask yourself before you start: what is this corpus for?"
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    How to find relative clauses in CLEC?

    回复:How to find relative clauses in CLEC? 1. Tag a CLEC file with CLAWS; 2. Use *_CST (and other tags) in a concordancer (e.g. WordSmith) to find the relative clauses.
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    回复:求助:PDF转DOC时,全部时乱码! 用Solid Converter PDF比任何办法都好,甚至比Adobe的Adobe Reader 6.0标准版都管用。 可以在Google内输入Solid Converter PDF 2.2158, 含patch.exe。
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    Learner corpus bibliography downloadable

    回复:Learner corpus bibliography downloadable Thank you, shixiong.
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    Another breaking news: SWECCL available this Sept

    回复: It is WordSmith Tools 3, not 4.