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    Hi!Liverpool. Thank you for your information. I got it. I will try again.

    Hi!Liverpool. Thank you for your information. I got it. I will try again.
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    回复: 急求各位高手相助 Hi! Where can I find these search codes? In BNC "about SARA" or "About Xiara" or somewhere else? Thank you very much!:)
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    回复: 团购wordsmith Congratulations! I will try again. Wish me good luck:)
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    回复: 团购wordsmith Hi! Hittle2008. 我也被支付的事搞晕了.请问你是哪家银行的信用卡? 你事先开通过网上支付功能吗?对方如有提款请求, 我们这边需要在网上授权吗?哎!送钱也这么难:mad:
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    求助:如何用信用卡支付BNC BABY CD

    回复: 求助:如何用信用卡支付BNC BABY CD Hi! Freecaballero. 我还是买BNC XML.可是如果开通网上支付, 收款方写什么好?对方没有提供收款方开户银行,收款方姓名,收款银行地址啊?我搞不懂:( 您能说得再详细一些吗?拜托啦!
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    求助:如何用信用卡支付BNC BABY CD

    回复: 求助:如何用信用卡支付BNC BABY CD Thank you! LaoHong and freecaballero.Your advice is of great help to me!:p
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    求助:如何用信用卡支付BNC BABY CD

    我在BNC 网站上填写on-line order form, 购买了BNC BABY CD, 网站回了一封e-mail(发件人bnc-sales<natcorp@oucs.ox.ac.uk),告诉我订单号和支付方式, 如下: Please proceed as follows to make your payment: * Print out the whole of this message and fill in the details requested below * Fax or post the completed form back to us together with...
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    回复: 团购wordsmith 我在上外书店买了wordsmith 5.0, 外加CEM语料库, 九折.720元.你们团购,应该可以八折.算下来就比国外的贵一点.不过, 我还是佩服你们的毅力!我最近也碰到支付问题.买BNC Baby CD既不能在邮局或银行办理cheque or money order, 用 visa或mastercard 支付,要把最后三位security code告诉他们,这就行了吗?难道他们不需要网上我给他们authorization?不光我有疑问,银行的人也不相信。怎么送钱给人也这么难啊。:(哪位大虾能指点一下迷津吗?我这里很着急啊!谢谢啦!
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    回复: 团购wordsmith
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    回复: 团购wordsmith
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    回复: 您是如何得知本站的?欢迎参加调查! baidu, when searching for wordsmith tools. It's friendly and helpful. I love it:)
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    [下载]BNC Word List for use with WordSmith

    回复: [下载]BNC Word List for use with WordSmith Hi! liverpool. I bought a latest Wordsmith 5.0,but I can't find a BNC wordlist for 5.0 on Mike Scott's Web. Would you be so kind to tell me why? Thank you.
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    [下载]BNC Word List for use with WordSmith

    回复: [下载]BNC Word List for use with WordSmith Thank you so much! Dr.Laohong and liverpool!
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    [下载]BNC Word List for use with WordSmith

    回复: [下载]BNC Word List for use with WordSmith 我是新手,请问用wordsmith 可以分析BNChuo或者其他在线语料库吗?一定要把BNC装到硬盘上才能用wordsmith 分析吗?学海无涯啊!请帮帮忙!