CILC-10: II International conference on Corpus Linguistics


Staff member
II International conference on Corpus Linguistics


13-15 May, 2010, Universidade da Coru?a (Spain)

2nd Circular and CFP
The deadline for the submission of proposals for CILC 10 (A Coru?a, Spain, 13-15 May) both for posters and oral presentations (20 min presentation + 10 min discussion) is 15 February 2010. Such proposals (either in English or Spanish) may be included in one of the following thematic panels:

1. Corpus design, compilation and types
2. Discourse and corpora
3. Corpus-based grammatical studies
4. Corpus-based lexicology and lexicography
5. Corpora, contrastive studies and translation.
6. Corpus and linguistic variation
7. Corpus-based computational linguistics
8. Corpora, language acquisition and teaching
9. Corpora and literary analysis
10. Special uses of corpus linguistics

Please send the full text of presentation/poster (4000 words maximum following AELINCO guidelines) to indicating the panel in which you wish to be included.

The work must be sent in an MSWord file named as follows: paper/poster name (at least 6 first words) followed by _texto, as in the example below:

Do NOT include author/s name/s in this file.
You should include your personal details (name, affiliation, e-mail address, technical support needed, etc) in a different file. This file will be named following the same pattern as the one containing the text, but including _autor, as in the example:

Please follow these instructions carefully.

Participants will receive an answer after March 15th 2010.
A workshop will be held on Wednesday 12 May. Among others, members of the IrLab (University of A Coru?a) will participate.

See the conference website for registration information.