
  1. J

    求有关delexicalized intensifiers的文章

    想求一篇期刊文章: Really worthwhile or not really significant? A corpus-based approach to the delexicalization and grammaticalization of intensifiers in Modern English ; Lorenz, G. TYPOLOGICAL STUDIES IN LANGUAGE ; 01677373 ; 2002; 49卷 期 ; 143-162页 如果哪位朋友有电子版的,请问是否可以分享?先谢谢了!:)
  2. J

    求有关delexicalized intensifiers的文章

    回复: 求有关delexicalized intensifiers的文章 是呀,其他朋友不知道是否有这个资料呢?多谢了!
  3. J

    求有关delexicalized intensifiers的文章

    想求一篇期刊文章: Really worthwhile or not really significant? A corpus-based approach to the delexicalization and grammaticalization of intensifiers in Modern English ; Lorenz, G. TYPOLOGICAL STUDIES IN LANGUAGE ; 01677373 ; 2002; 49卷 期 ; 143-162页 如果哪位朋友有电子版的,请问是否可以分享?先谢谢了!:)