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    回复: 求汉语部件(部首)频率词典 同求! 不知哪位有没有“汉字信息词典”的电子版。我在北语的网站上下载的不知道为什么都是乱码! 多谢!
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    [Download] Frequency lists for top 5000 Chinese words and top 2000 characters

    回复: [Download] Frequency lists for top 5000 Chinese words and top 2000 characters Many thanks! I have the book! Just want to make sure that the list is based on this book as well.
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    [Download] Frequency lists for top 5000 Chinese words and top 2000 characters

    回复: [Download] Frequency lists for top 5000 Chinese words and top 2000 characters Hi, Thanks for sharing! I was wondering if you can give the reference info for the Top 50,000 Chinese Word Frequency List below for me to quote it properly? Thanks!
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    VocabProfile 在英语教学中的应用

    回复: VocabProfile 在英语教学中的应用 Great, I actually have used Laurence Anthony's AntConc to process Chinese texts, and it worked out pretty well. I will give AntWordProfiler a try and hope it works for Chinese, too! Thanks for letting me know!
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    VocabProfile 在英语教学中的应用

    回复: VocabProfile 在英语教学中的应用 Does anyone know if there is such kind of tool that can be used in treating data in Chinese? Many thanks!
  6. S


    回复: 求助:一个小型语料库系统,对中文的词语进行处理 多谢!我今天用AntConc处理中文文本,效果不错!只是在mac里转换文件格式上还是有问题(下载了mac版本的AntConc),最后不得不用PC来做。
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    回复: 求助:一个小型语料库系统,对中文的词语进行处理 同问!盼高人指点!