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    [乱弹] 语料库技术讨论

    回复:[乱弹] 语料库技术讨论 个人觉得之所以造成这种局面,我觉得不是国内没有这种技术,而是因为掌握技术的人不懂得语料库,也就是说即使是我们开放了一个软件的源码, 我想结果还是一样,而且掌握语料库的专家和学者又实在是太忙了, 因此想要改变这个现状,就是语料库研究的普及化,和把更多的掌握计算机编程技术的人拉到这个研究领域来.
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    [SHARE] NEW YORK TIMES 1995 (pos tagged)

    回复:[TO SHARE] NEW YORK TIMES 1995 (pos tagged) Send it to me through if u are using education network, i will provide a server to let others to download the file. my qq:16124885
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    ICE-GB:Int"l Corpus of Eng:Great Britain component

    回复:ICE-GB i know some of them are very useful, i found this ftp 1 years ago..., such as CastExe are developed it by shanghai jiaotong university..the ftp also inclueds a lof of resources concerning foreign language teaching and learning
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    BNC不知道如何用? World Edition Installation

    回复:借来BNC却不知道如何用? 各位大虾请来支招! I think it may has something to do with ur computer's memory, normally a computer with a 256 memory costs about 1 minute to initiate Sara. Try it on another computer. As for how to use sara, i am now writing a manual in chinese, i think it may help u to some extend.
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    BNC不知道如何用? World Edition Installation

    回复:借来BNC却不知道如何用? 各位大虾请来支招! 这位朋友,你不用想了问题是你的光盘有问题,因为我也遇到过同样的问题,想解决请联系我,我的qq 16124885