
  1. M

    词性赋码语料库的检索与正则表达式的编写 POS tagged corpus search + regex

    回复: 词性赋码语料库的检索与正则表达式的编写 POS tagged corpus search + regex Thank you for your response, prof. Xu! However, I still wonder what you mean by 'different ini'. Please forgive my ignorance. I mean tagset.ini was created automatically when I first double-clicked the PatternBuilder.exe and how can I get...
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    词性赋码语料库的检索与正则表达式的编写 POS tagged corpus search + regex

    回覆: 词性赋码语料库的检索与正则表达式的编写 POS tagged corpus search + regex i'm just a beginner and i'm rather concerned about what kind of automatic pos tagging tools can be used before we use the PatternBuilder. Although the paper 词性赋码语料库的检索与正则表达式的编写 mentioned two tagging tools, one is CLAWS4 which is not free...
  3. M

    词性赋码语料库的检索与正则表达式的编写 POS tagged corpus search + regex

    回覆: 词性赋码语料库的检索与正则表达式的编写 POS tagged corpus search + regex PatterrnBuilder下载后打不开 能否麻烦哪位老师能发我邮箱