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    Thanks for your offer.
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    我马上要做开题报告啦,是基于语料库的,但本人怎末也找不到COLSEC大学英语学习者口语英语语料库的英文全名及其相关介绍,望有知道者不吝赐教。谢谢! [本贴已被 xujiajin 于 2005年10月11日 18时09分06秒 编辑过]
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    [求助]lexical density tools needed

    My Godness. It's a really hard job for me to follow all of your instructions but I'll have a try anyway. Thanks for all of your considerate advice. Thanks a lot.
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    [求助]lexical density tools needed

    Mr.xiao, thanks for your link. what a pity! I couldn't operate it well. I opened a text file and applied a tool - Calculate LD(a la Ure/Stubbs) to it but there was no expected outcome. A dialog box popuped, which asked me to fill the number of content words and corpus size. In fact, I want it...
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    [求助]lexical density tools needed

    Mr. xiao, thanks for your advice, but where can I get ACWT ?
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    [求助]lexical density tools needed

    Thanks for all of your suggestions and detailed links. Dear mr. xu, I intend to investigate the distinctions between spoken language and written language. I'm required to finish my thesis in the framework of FG because my tutor's interest is FG and discourse analysis. I want to adopt Ure's way...
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    [求助]lexical density tools needed

    各位语料库的前辈们, 我是搞功能语法的, 在做硕士毕业论文,需要能查词汇密度(lexical density)的软件, 请各位多多指教,指出那个软件能查和在哪能下载,thanks。