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    我自己建了一个汉语小说的生语料库,但是用wordsmith 4检索关键字的时候检索出来的内容不全。不知道这是什么原因?
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    22 CSSCI (Chinese SSCI) journals for linguistics

    回复: 22 CSSCI (Chinese SSCI) journals for linguistics thanks
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    Free WordSmith 5

    回复: Free WordSmith 5 what is the improvement compared with wordsmith4
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    [下载]BNC Word List for use with WordSmith

    回复: [下载]BNC Word List for use with WordSmith a thousand thanks, this is just what i need.
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    Biber讲座:0516 Merging Corpus Linguistic and Discourse Analytic Research Goals

    回复: Biber讲座:0516 Merging Corpus Linguistic and Discourse Analytic Research Goals 这个有没有ppt阿
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    Corpus-based Language Studies - the focus on why

    回复: Re: Corpus-based Language Studies - the focus on why Got it. Hope it can get published in China.
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    Corpus-based Language Studies - the focus on why

    回复: Re: Corpus-based Language Studies - the focus on why well, thanks, but what's the title of the book and where can i get it?
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    Corpus-based Language Studies - the focus on why

    回复: Corpus-based Language Studies - the focus on why why the access to these links is forbidden?
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    Corpus-based Language Studies - the focus on why

    回复: Corpus-based Language Studies - the focus on why why the access to the above links is forbidden.