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    文献求助Working with Specialized Language:A practical guide to using copora

    回复: 文献求助Working with Specialized Language:A practical guide to using copora
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    回复: GRE8的各种语言学书单(书单中的书籍内容免费阅读) 又增添2个书单: 14. 语言与文学中的像似性丛书 Iconicity in Language and Literature; 15. 语篇分析 Discourse Analysis。
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    回复: GRE8的各种语言学书单(书单中的书籍内容免费阅读) 最近又增添了两个: 12. 第三语言习得/多语现象 L3 Acquisition / Multilingualism; 13. 认知心理学文库 Essays in Cognitive Psychology。
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    回复: 做一个高情趣的人 怎么这么像是做广告的呢!? 给个直接的链接吧!
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    目前这些语言学书单包括11份: 1. 语料库语言学研究丛书(Studies in Corpus Linguistics); 2. 语言学中的构式研究 Constructions; 3. 搭配、程式化语言及短语研究(collocations/formulaic/phraseology; 4. 语言教学中的动机研究(motivation); 5. Continuum "语料库和语篇"研究丛书 (Corpus and Discourse); 6. 语法化研究(Grammaticalization); 7. (语言学中的)信息结构(information structure);...
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    语言学中的构式研究 Constructions 30本书 免费阅读

    语言学中的构式研究 Constructions
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    回复: 桑代克1921年经典的英语词表Thorndike1921.pdf 多谢!
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    Two new COCA-based resources for academic English

    If you are interested in academic English – for teaching or learning – there are two new, free corpus-based resources that might be of interest to you. These are based on the 110 million words of academic texts in the Corpus of Contemporary American English [COCA] (85 million words in academic...
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    语料库语言学研究丛书Studies in Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins)29本可以免费在线阅读

    回复: 语料库语言学研究丛书Studies in Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins)29本可以免费在线阅读 此外,最近又添加了社会语言学方面的两个豆单和一个手势语研究的豆单;不过跟语料库语言学还是有些距离。
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    语料库语言学研究丛书Studies in Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins)29本可以免费在线阅读

    回复: 语料库语言学研究丛书Studies in Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins)29本可以免费在线阅读 又增加两本: 1. Exploring Second-Language Varieties of English and Learner Englishes - Bridging a paradigm gap; 2. Perspectives on Corpus Linguistics 都是2011年的新书。
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    Sinclair: Reading Concordances

    回复: Sinclair: Reading Concordances 拜托试一下37楼提供的链接好吗?以后再这么闭着眼要求文档的话,没有人会帮你的!
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    回复: Davies教授推出基于COCA语料库的词频信息查询网站 进一步的信息 We have just released an important new interface for the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA): Even more so than the standard COCA interface (which will continue to be available), the new website is designed to...
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    Corpus Linguistics and Language Learning

    回复: Corpus Linguistics and Language Learning Thanks a lot, Dr. Xu!:)
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    语料库语言学研究丛书Studies in Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins)29本可以免费在线阅读

    回复: 语料库语言学研究丛书Studies in Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins)29本可以免费在线阅读 第32本,2011年出版的 A Taste for Corpora - In Honour of Sylviane Granger
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    回复: 今日推荐:eTheses Repository 在 有几本这套丛书中的书籍,可以参考