
  1. themostwanted

    Adam Kilgarriff

    回复: Adam Kilgarriff RIP. I am reading his papers on web corpora.
  2. themostwanted


    回复: 菜鸟求助:关于语义韵的断定标准 The 1st example seems a bit negative, as the speaker is complaining to a doctor about the medicine or treatment. More meta information, e.g. gender, profession, what kind of operation, etc. would be desirable to determine it. The prosody is unclear for the 2nd one, but...
  3. themostwanted


    回复: 求助:如何在antconc中限制检索词的词性 Apparently it depends on your research question(s). This is probably a spelling mistake, and the students intended to say so, hence the wrong forms may be included in your statistics. You may like to refer to the error-tagged CLEC.
  4. themostwanted


    回复: 求助:如何在antconc中限制检索词的词性 You need to check firstly if WECCL is part-of-speech tagged, if not, you may tag it using TreeTagger or CLAWS (with different tagsets). Write a regex for your query, tick the regex funtionality in AntConc.
  5. themostwanted


    回复: 求推荐一个免费的英文综合性语料库 BNC now is available free of charge upon request from Oxford Text Archive. Search Dr. Xiao's post.
  6. themostwanted


    回复: 【求助】如何写出汉语介词短语结构的正则表达式 Check the 'regex' box, after 'word' and 'case'.
  7. themostwanted


    回复: [原创讨论]计算机时代汉语的一大问题及对策建议 词可能并不是汉语的基本单位,汉语界有“字本位”的主张。每个词中的单个汉字在一定程度上可以意义自足,词更像是字之间的固定搭配或短语,并非一个整体。
  8. themostwanted

    請大家幫忙尋找Mona Baker 1996年刊載在書裏的一篇文章

    回复: 請大家幫忙尋找Mona Baker 1996年刊載在書裏的一篇文章 awesome
  9. themostwanted

    請大家幫忙尋找Mona Baker 1996年刊載在書裏的一篇文章

    回复: 請大家幫忙尋找Mona Baker 1996年刊載在書裏的一篇文章 I got it from Docin. Not well scanned.
  10. themostwanted

    Happy Spring Festival!

    回复: Happy Spring Festival! Happy New Year of Goat, Sheep or Ram!
  11. themostwanted


    回复: 求助:通过语料库辨析以-ic/-ical结尾的形容词 Error analysis? Even advanced learners may not readily distinguish economic/economical and historic/historical, including me. I don't know how L1 transfer can affect it, could you make it clearer?
  12. themostwanted


    回复: 珍贵的英语搭配的在线词典 add one more: It seems to be based on the Oxford Collocations Dict, which is awesome.
  13. themostwanted


    回复: Translationese Interesting. 觉悟吧,孔明! 希腊似乎不等于拉丁,日版的口吻也换做了皇叔。 至于踢屁股也是很重的翻译腔(kick your ass?),似乎字幕组一般译作“弄死你”、“等着吧”、“我就不客气了”之类。
  14. themostwanted


    回复: 已报名北外语料库语言学。 感觉nlp部分全都不会啊,Good luck!
  15. themostwanted


    回复: 大家好,请问关于collocations的定义最好的是什么呢? Hard to say which is the best one, but there could be one which suits your research focus. The following is summed up by Partington, A. (1998). Patterns and meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teaching. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp...