MSTTR (Mean Segmental Type-Token Ratio):
(1) segments the text into fixed-length segments (e.g., 100 words per segment).
(2) For each segment, the TTR is calculated as the ratio of unique words (types) to the total number of words (tokens) in that segment.
(3) The TTR values from all the segments are averaged to produce the MSTTR.
这个基本上是WordSmith中STTR(Standardized TTR)的做法。
MATTR (Moving-Average Type-Token Ratio) 中的Moving-Average又叫Moving-Window。
(1) A window size (e.g., 100 words) is chosen.
(2) The TTR is calculated for the first window of words (e.g., the first 100 words).
(3) The window is then shifted by one word, and the TTR is recalculated for the new window.
(4) The final MATTR value is the average TTR across all the windows.
Cf. Limitations of TTR: