求助: How can I deal with these abbreviated forms?

I processed SECCL in wordsmith, but noticed there were the high frequent letters such as T, S, VE in Wordlist. I found that they were a part of the abbreviated forms through concordance like “won’t”, “don’t”, “can’t”, “didn’t”, “it’s”, “let’s”, “I’ve”, “We’ve” etc. In order to make sure those forms appear in the Wordlist instead of those meaningless letters, I adjusted the settings in Text Characteristics by typing 1 in “Characters within word”. But the result was the same. I also tried other approaches, but they did not work at all. Can you give some advice? Thank you!
回复: 求助: How can I deal with these abbreviated forms?

I made it by typing ' in "Characters within word"this afternoon. Thank you for all of your attention! Thanks.
回复: 求助: How can I deal with these abbreviated forms?

Congratulations! You are great! We do encourage our users to try their best to find a solution to their probem.

In post No. 15 at the following thread, I mentioned a similar solution by including the underscore as a special character within words to allow for the wordlist to include POS tags:
