[下载]Conference proceedings free for downloading


Staff member
Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics


The proceedings of this week's ACL conference is available online via the ACL Anthology.

Together with:
* Proceedings of the ACL Student Research Workshop
* Proceedings of the ACL Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions
* see: http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/P/P05/

And several workshops:
* Second ACL Workshop on Effective Tools and Methodologies
for Teaching NLP and CL
* Second Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using NLP
* Workshop on Frontiers in Corpus Annotations II: Pie in the Sky
* ACL Workshop on Feature Engineering for Machine Learning in
Natural Language Processing
* Workshop on Psychocomputational Models of Human Language Acquisition
* Ninth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
* ACL Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages
* ACL Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts
* ACL Workshop on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation Measures for
Machine Translation and/or Summarization
* ACL-SIGLEX Workshop on Deep Lexical Acquisition
* ACL Workshop on Empirical Modeling of Semantic Equivalence
and Entailment
* ACL-ISMB Workshop on Linking Biological Literature,
Ontologies and Databases: Mining Biological Semantics
* see: http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/W/W05/