MMAX Annotation Tool

One more note for guys who are trying MMAX2:

NOTE the following points before you run it:

1. Check whether your machine has got JRM installed:
Usually you can find it at "My Computer, C:, Program Files, Java" ; if there is no Java installed, pls install it at:

2. Don't put your MMAX2 and corpus files under any directories/folders with space or any Chinese Characters. For instance, "My Corpus" is not acceptable (as there is a space between "My" and "Corpus"), nor is the folder named as "语料集". It's highly recommended to put your MMAX2 and corpus files directly under C or another drive you like.

3. If your evaluation key for MMAX2 expires, and don't want to request one more from its developer, I got a tip for you to use it as long as you like. You know what to do it next .

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年03月12日 11时10分24秒 编辑过]
Hi Laohong, you are so generous recommending perhaps one of your favourite annotation tools to us.
When I clicked the batch-executed file named as startmmax2_ktb_win, the following problem occured as in the picture, what happened and what I should do to fix the problem? Thanks a lot for helping me on this!

P.S. I have put the dezipped file folder directly under e:\. I have loaded Java as told.

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年03月12日 22时18分23秒 编辑过]
As the error message showed, the evaluation key expired. You can send an email to the developer to request a free new key. Another solution is .......
yet another probelm occured as I loaded a file direcly under e:\ as shown in screen shot

what do I have to do next to fix it? Thanks a lot in advance!

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年03月12日 23时47分09秒 编辑过]
回复:MMAX Annotation Tool

以下是引用 ivysweet2006-3-12 18:09:51 的发言:
Hi Laohong, you are so generous recommending perhaps one of your favourite annotation tools to us.

My pleasure! I have to admit that it is my most favourite annotation tool. We've been using it in more than 10 projects to annotate different linguistic features in past few years. We even paid 1500 Euro to get a site licence for the university recently. It's really expensive if you don't know how to customize it for your own purposes (and that is the best thing you should get from the tool).
回复:MMAX Annotation Tool

以下是引用 laohong2006-4-12 11:12:49 的发言:
Attached is the new MMAX2 evaluation key, valid for 80 days from Mar 16, 2006.

Question: What to do after the evaluation key expires?
Answer: Additional keys are available upon request, send mail to to request a new key.

NOTE: Change the download file name to MMAX2Key.jar, then use it to replace the original one in the MMAX2 folder.

thanks a lot
回复: MMAX Annotation Tool

Re: 回复: MMAX Annotation Tool


回复: MMAX Annotation Tool

谢谢版主,经过昨天的摸索,我对MMAX的有一定理解了。不过有一个问题是annotation的结果是以.mmax这样的文件名保存的吗?我发现它对不同的level有不同的xml文件来记录,如有subject, 和 object两个level,就会生成subject_level.xml,和object_level.xml两个文件,那如果要查看着整篇文章的标注情况,有没有一个xml文件呢?,不然,如果我有很多的text要标注,最后的结果是以什么形式保存的?请老师以您的应验来指点指点我。
Re: 回复: MMAX Annotation Tool


....我发现它对不同的level有不同的xml文件来记录,如有subject, 和 object两个level, 就会生成subject_level.xml,和object_level.xml两个文件....

也对也不对。你说对了,不同level(严格说来是不同scheme)会有不同的结果文件markables.xml。也就是说,你有几个schemes,就应该有几个对应的markables.xml文件。但是,你把subject 和 object 搞成了两个schemes就不对了,因为它们应该都是syntax这一level的,应该在同一个scheme里的。同理,名词、动词等都是属于POS这一层scheme里的,你不应该给它们每个分别搞一个scheme.

正如前面所说,每个markables.xml只是其所在这一层的结果。如果一篇语料你准备标注词性POS、句法Syntax、句子类型sentence type这三个层次的信息,那么你就得有这三个层次的schemes,你的结果就有了三个markables.xml文件。不过,并没有一个把这三个xml合并的文件,因为这就是standoff annotation的奇妙之处 --- 不必用一个常见的 straightforward xml 文件来包容所有标注信息,因为那是落后、低效的方法。理论上说来,对于同一语料,你可以有几百、几千中不同的schemes, 会得到几百、几千个markables.xml文件,把这些信息全部写到一个普通的xml里是mission impossible。

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