

本人对口语中的停顿(pause or pausological phenomenon)非常感兴趣,但手头则几乎找不到相关的资料或实证性文章。不知各位大虾可否提供些帮助?感激万分,呵呵:)
A very specialised area of study. Not sure if this paper will serve your purpose.

What's in a pause: event-related potential analysis of temporal disruptions in written and spoken sentences

Biological Psychology Volume 46, Issue 1 , 20 June 1997, Pages 3-23

Two experiments examined the effects of disrupting the temporal patterns that develop during sentence reading and listening. Sentences were presented either visually, one word at a time (Experiment 1) or as natural speech (Experiment 2). Half of the sentences were familiar (proverbs or idioms) while the other half were constructed anew for these experiments. Within half the sentences, there was an unexpected 600-ms delay between the final two words. In both modalities, the amplitude of the N400 component of the event-related brain potential (ERP) to sentence final words was larger for unfamiliar than familiar sentences. The results in the two modalities differed, however, in that a Contingent Negative Variation (CNV) developed during the delay interval in the visual modality, whereas in the auditory modality the delay was marked by an emitted potential. The present results show that temporal patterns are processed differently in natural speech and in reading words presented one at a time in the center of a computer screen.

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好像回帖不可以加附件。所以我只好重新发表一个帖子了。见2 articles about pauses in speech

[本贴已被 作者 于 2005年06月21日 21时47分09秒 编辑过]
haiyanm,你可以到lib.ustc.edu.cn的电子资源中去search一下有关pause, silence, filled pause, unfilled pause应该会有很多资源的。

[本贴已被 作者 于 2005年06月21日 22时06分27秒 编辑过]
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The History of Research on the Filled Pause as Evidence of The Written Language Bias in Linguistics (Linell, 1982)
O'Connell, Daniel C; Kowal, Sabine, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 2004, 33, 6, Nov, 459-474

Addressing Individual Difficulties in Reading: Issues Relating to Reading Recovery and Pause, Prompt, Praise
Wearmouth, Janice, Literacy, 2004, 38, 1, Apr, 3-9
... article compares RR & another New Zealand-based program, Pause, Prompt, Praise (PPP) with which it has a number of characteristics in common, in order to examine particular issues which are important to ensure that a particular program can meet ...

The Pause in Conversations: Verbal "Time-Outs" from a Multimodal Perspective
Schmitt, Reinhold, Deutsche Sprache, 2004, 32, 1, 56-84
... the interactive structure of a 12 second continuous pause & its social meaning in a specific context is analyzed from the perspective of conversation analysis & conversational rhetoric. The investigation thus focuses on an interactive phenomenon, ...

a comprehensive list of pause research (via CSA--LLBA)

[本贴已被 作者 于 2005年06月22日 16时18分52秒 编辑过]

以下是引用 xujiajin2005-6-22 14:42:19 的发言:

No. This is a system functionality. Everyone can use it.
口语是指中文,还是英语学习者说的英文呢,还是native speaker of English的speech呢?

以下是引用 tiger2005-7-7 15:41:13 的发言:


以下是引用 haiyanm2005-6-21 15:14:01 的发言:
本人对口语中的停顿(pause or pausological phenomenon)非常感兴趣,但手头则几乎找不到相关的资料或实证性文章。不知各位大虾可否提供些帮助?感激万分,呵呵:)

A preliminary study of Mandarin filled pauses
Yuan Zhao & Dan Jurafsky
Stanford University, California, U.S.A.

The paper reports preliminary results on Mandarin filled
pauses (FPs), based on a large speech corpus of Mandarin
telephone conversation. We find that Mandarin intensively
uses both demonstratives (zhege ¡®this¡¯, nage ¡®that¡¯) and uh/ mm
as FPs. Demonstratives are more frequent FPs and are more
likely to be surrounded by other types of disfluency
phenomena than uh/mm, as well as occurring more often in
nominal environments. We also find durational differences: FP
demonstratives are longer than non-FP demonstratives, and
mm is longer than uh. The study also revealed dialectal
influence on the use of FPs. Our results agree with earlier work
which shows that a language may divide conversational labor
among different FPs. Our work also extends this research in
suggesting that different languages may assign conversational
functions to FPs in different ways.


Source: http://www.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/diss05.pdf
Yuan Zhao & Dan Jurafsky's classification of FPs does not reflect the linguistic fact of FPs in spoken Chinese. They identified four FPs in mandar in telephone converdation: uh, mm, and the demonstratives zhege (literally this) and nage (literally that).

In my 8.31 hours of teenage conversation (SCOUT), more than 7 types of FPs, including 啊(a),哎(ai),呃(e),噢(ao),哦(ou),嗯(en), zhe-/zhege- and na-/nage- etc.

Yuan Zhao & Dan Jurafsky also suggested that "demonstratives are more frequent FPs and are more likely to be surrounded by other types of disfluency phenomena than uh/mm.

My SCOUT shows that the reverse it true. If the speech (esp in telephone conversation) is transcribed carefully the demonstrative propoderance cannot happen. Additionally, vowel alone, nasalized vomel and nasalization should be three possibilities (five variants represented by 5 Chinese characters above) of FPs apart from demonstrative FPs.

uh and mm only account for the vowel-alone and semi-nasalization and exclude nasalized vomel and nasalization in functioning as FPs.

See http://www.corpus4u.com/forum_view.asp?view_id=371&forum_id=53
for an introduction to SCOUT
I do agree with Zhao & Jurafsky that not all 嗯s are used as FPs. Some 嗯s are used as affirmative answers to inquiries or simply as acknowledgement tokens (or backchannels) etc.