W winner59 2008-02-19 #1 最近在对文本进行分析,在研究 lexical variation的时候有一项测量参数是 Mean Type/Token Ratio 请问怎么用Wordsmith软件计算呢?
F fengqingyang 2008-02-19 #2 回复: 紧急求助 怎么用wordsmith统计Mean Type/Token Ratio 看到你那么着急我比你都急,哈哈,如果我不是菜鸟肯定帮你。
清风出袖 高级会员 2008-02-19 #3 回复: 紧急求助 怎么用wordsmith统计Mean Type/Token Ratio 选好进行计算的文本,在wordlist 里面有一个statistical 功能。里面有相关的TTR 计算数值。
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2008-02-22 #4 回复: 紧急求助 怎么用wordsmith统计Mean Type/Token Ratio WordSmith produces TTR and standardized TTR (on the basis of per 1000 words). I don't know if your mean TTR is the same as standardized TTR.
回复: 紧急求助 怎么用wordsmith统计Mean Type/Token Ratio WordSmith produces TTR and standardized TTR (on the basis of per 1000 words). I don't know if your mean TTR is the same as standardized TTR.