Haiyang Ai
Christopher Butler
Book Cover
Preface to the web edition
It is now over 20 years since the publication of Statistics in Linguistics, and the book unfortunately went out of print some time ago, the rights reverting to me. Nevertheless, I still get enquiries from students and lecturers alike, asking where they can obtain a copy, as they continue to find the book useful. I am therefore extremely grateful to Dr Helmut Daller for offering to ask the University of the West of England if it could be put on the University’s website, also to the University for allowing this, and to Mr Bryan Lloyd for scanning the book and converting it to an appropriate form.
In the Indonesian translation, published in 1995, I made some corrections to the book, and I have taken the opportunity of including these at appropriate points in the web version. Readers will, of course, find the final chapter on ‘Statistics, computers and calculators’ hopelessly out of date now, but I have left it in for historical completeness.
Christopher Butler
All links (except stated otherwise) will open PDF files in a new window, file sizes are indicated in brackets. You will need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader in your computer to view the files.
Christopher Butler
Book Cover
Preface to the web edition
It is now over 20 years since the publication of Statistics in Linguistics, and the book unfortunately went out of print some time ago, the rights reverting to me. Nevertheless, I still get enquiries from students and lecturers alike, asking where they can obtain a copy, as they continue to find the book useful. I am therefore extremely grateful to Dr Helmut Daller for offering to ask the University of the West of England if it could be put on the University’s website, also to the University for allowing this, and to Mr Bryan Lloyd for scanning the book and converting it to an appropriate form.
In the Indonesian translation, published in 1995, I made some corrections to the book, and I have taken the opportunity of including these at appropriate points in the web version. Readers will, of course, find the final chapter on ‘Statistics, computers and calculators’ hopelessly out of date now, but I have left it in for historical completeness.
Christopher Butler
All links (except stated otherwise) will open PDF files in a new window, file sizes are indicated in brackets. You will need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader in your computer to view the files.