谢谢,听说王克非老师的基于语料库和翻译研究的课题已经立项,可是我没有编制好的双语语料库,这样的实验作出来能有说服里吗?以下是引用 Ocean 在 2005-7-12 16:12:38 的发言:
yes,wrong, i just couldn't find the entrance以下是引用 动态语法 在 2005-7-12 12:53:15 的发言:
Wrong forum? This is about Corpus Markup and Annotation. Have you read
some of the posts on the 多语种语料库 (Parallel Corpora) section of this Web site?
thank you!以下是引用 xiaoz 在 2005-7-12 22:53:43 的发言:
Translation studies, either theoretical and practical, are in fact one of the areas which has benefited from corpora, especially parallel and comparabale corpora. There are som euseful posting in the section of Parallel and Comparable Corpora.
Here is an issue of Meta which is dedicated to translation and corpora, which you may find helpful:
thank you so much, that's wonderful, i didn't know that before以下是引用 xiaoz 在 2005-7-13 10:28:50 的发言:
Have you tried this one?
可以拜读一下吗?以下是引用 xiaoz 在 2005-7-13 10:22:46 的发言:
thank you!以下是引用 xiaoz 在 2005-7-13 10:35:16 的发言:
Wang's book has been published. You can buy a copy online:
The book can be ordered at the following links: