This tool saves the trouble of composing a regular expression character by character.
Alternatively, with the basic building blocks, like nouns and verbs, users of PatternBuilder can assemble them on an incremental basis. Please be creative and use your mind to build/modify your own patterns. Little knowing and blindly following others are always dangerous.
For those who are interested in the regular expressions of complex syntactic constructions, like ditransitives, we would be more than happy to see whether they could share their expressions with the aid of PatternBuilder later.
This tool saves the trouble of composing a regular expression character by character.
Alternatively, with the basic building blocks, like nouns and verbs, users of PatternBuilder can assemble them on an incremental basis. Please be creative and use your mind to build/modify your own patterns. Little knowing and blindly following others are always dangerous.
For those who are interested in the regular expressions of complex syntactic constructions, like ditransitives, we would be more than happy to see whether they could share their expressions with the aid of PatternBuilder later.
For those who are interested in the regular expressions of complex syntactic constructions, like ditransitives, we would be more than happy to see whether they could share their expressions with the aid of PatternBuilder later.