
  1. T

    reporting verbs paper in Corpus4 gmail box

    回复: reporting verbs paper in Corpus4 gmail box Can anyone send me a copy to liuxingbing@126.com? Thanks a lot.
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    求书:Martin教授的english text: system and structure

    回复: 求书:Martin教授的english text: system and structure 我是在网上买的。
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    ACCURAT Toolkit building comparable corpus from the Web

    回复: ACCURAT Toolkit building comparable corpus from the Web Many thanks.
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    求文献Biber,D.& Finegan,E.Styles of Stance in English,谢谢

    回复: 求文献Biber,D.& Finegan,E.Styles of Stance in English,谢谢 Thank you very much.
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    Corpus4u Gmail and Lao Hong's Corpus Stuff

    回复: Corpus4u Gmail and Lao Hong's Corpus Stuff ????????????????? Seems everyone's on holiday.
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    Corpus4u Gmail and Lao Hong's Corpus Stuff

    回复: Corpus4u Gmail and Lao Hong's Corpus Stuff ????????????????? Seems everyone is on holiday.
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    求 TEXTUS 2007年‘(R)evolutions in Evaluation’专辑文章

    回复: 求 TEXTUS 2007年‘(R)evolutions in Evaluation’专辑文章 同求
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    求EVALUATION IN TEXT: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse中的三篇论文

    求 Hunston,S.& Thompson,G.(eds.) Evaluation in Text:Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse[C].Oxford:Oxford University Press,2000中三篇论文的电子版: 2. Persuasive Rhetoric in Linguistics, Michael Hoey 3. Corpus-based Analysis of Evaluative Lexis, Joanna Channell 4. Adverbial Marking of...
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    Corpus4u Gmail and Lao Hong's Corpus Stuff

    回复: Corpus4u Gmail and Lao Hong's Corpus Stuff Neither of the two is accessible, Corpus4u Gmail box "password changed 4 months ago" and Lao Hong's Corpus Stuff "space not existing."
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    求:Martin,J.R. 的appraisal theory

    回复: 求:Martin,J.R. 的appraisal theory http://students.lti.cs.cmu.edu/11899/files/LanguageofEvaluationBook.pdf
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    求文献Biber,D.& Finegan,E.Styles of Stance in English,谢谢

    Biber,D.& Finegan,E.Styles of Stance in English:Lexical and Grammatical Marking of Evidentiality and Affect [J].Text, 9, 1989:93-124. 如有,请发xingbingliu@sina.com. 万分感谢。
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    回复: 英语商务信函语料库 不错,收藏之,谢谢
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    湖北工业大学外国语学院2010年—2012年高层次人才引进启事 湖北工业大学是湖北省重点建设的一所以工学为主,工、文、理、经、管等多学科协调发展、具有鲜明办学特色的地方多科性大学。学校办学历史可追溯到1952年,本科教育办学历程已逾30年。学校1986年被国务院学位委员会批准为硕士学位授予权单位,是最早从事硕士研究生培养工作的省属院校之一,现有33个硕士学位授权点(其中一级学科授权点3个)。自1986年以来,已培养各类研究生2000余人,现有各类在读研究生(含专业学位)2001人。 外国语学院前身是学校外语教研室,...
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    回复: 一个语料库菜鸟的一点感想,希望老师们指点迷津 Read this thread: http://www.corpus4u.org/showthread.php?t=396&highlight=%E4%B9%A6%E7%9B%AE
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    上海交大 考博

    回复: 上海交大 考博 我只知道指定的书目对考试是毫无用处