
  1. 这个结果怎么解释?

    回复: 这个结果怎么解释? Thanks for the explanation. but what do the imtems mean respectively? Which one is the value of p? What if Asymp. Sig. contradicts with Exact Sig.? If the expected frequency is below 5, what should be done?
  2. 这个结果怎么解释?

    Test Statistics frequency Chi-Square(a) 11.441 df 1 Asymp. Sig. .001 Exact Sig. .001 Point Probability .000 How shall I interpret the above table? what does each item mean? Which one tells if there is significant difference? shouldn’t there be something like P=… ?
  3. 如何计算P值(急!)

    回复: 如何计算P值(急!) wordsense learner frequency total NS 137 NNS 143 I guess I can only compare the senses one by one? So I inserted the data as shown above and followed DR. Xiao’s instructions, and I got the following. How should I...
  4. 如何计算P值(急!)

    回复: 如何计算P值(急!) I really tried to find the answer in a book or a website, but always ended up disappointed. I’m not interested in LL, ‘cause the result is hard to explain and most people seem to use chi-square more frequently. There is a lot of introduction about chi-square, but no example is...
  5. 请教Chi-square test的计算

    回复: 请教Chi-square test的计算 还是p值看起来直观, 所以还是要请教chi-square怎么计算以上p值
  6. 如何计算P值(急!)

  7. 如何计算P值(急!)

    NS(45,116) NNS(44,908) Raw Per 1000000 raw Per1000000 Possession 125 2770.64 141 3139.75 Relationship 5 110.83 1 22.27...
  8. 求助:关于CLEC

    请问ICLE中德语和西班牙语学生写的作文篇幅平均各有多长?文章TOPIC相同么?LOCNESS的文章篇幅有多长? TOPIC跟ICLE是不是相同? 多谢相助!!!
  9. 求助:关于CLEC

    CLEC都有什么子语料库?英语专业三四年级议论文有多少字?有专门的库么? 如果没有的话,能帮我解决以下问题吗? I’m comparing Chinese EFL learners and native speakers’ respective use of a verb. Essays in LOCNESS are basically argumentative, but I can’t find enough argumentative essays written by junior and senior English majors in the learner...
  10. 关于WORDSMITH的一个问题

    请问用CONCORD检索了一个词后出来的表格里那些数据怎么解释呀,SET, TAG ,WORD这三列数据代表什么意思。望各位指点,多谢!
  11. asking for some papers

    I'm doing corpus-based research, and I need the following a few papers badly. Thank you for your help! 1. Noticing, Learning and Acquiring the Central uses of Common English Words. 2. A Corpus-based Study on Adjective Intensification in Chinese EFL learners' Writing 3. Collocation Patterns...
  12. 请问哪儿有免费的ICLE和 LOCNESS

    回复: 请问哪儿有免费的ICLE和 LOCNESS If that’s the case, is there any library or institution that allows people to use these two corpora with reasonable charge? If anyone, who personally has this in hand, is willing to share these corpora with reasonable charge, please send me a mail. I'm reaaly eager to...
  13. 请问哪儿有免费的ICLE和 LOCNESS

    我正在做语料库方面的论文,想用这两个语料库,不知哪儿有免费的ICLE和 LOCNESS或者哪位愿意发给我的,盼告。