xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2005-07-22 #1 本站可以考虑增设“研究习作”专栏,鼓励研究生或其他人员利用语料库 研究一些小而有趣的研究题目。大家可以用不同的语料分析,把结果 拿来比较。从中也许可以激发出一些文章或论文来。 先开个头。是否妥当请大家评说。 《语言科学》2005年4.3期刊登胡正微文章,比较已经和曾经的语法 意义。可惜没有用到语料库材料。从语料库中我们能够看出它们的异同 究竟是什么?
本站可以考虑增设“研究习作”专栏,鼓励研究生或其他人员利用语料库 研究一些小而有趣的研究题目。大家可以用不同的语料分析,把结果 拿来比较。从中也许可以激发出一些文章或论文来。 先开个头。是否妥当请大家评说。 《语言科学》2005年4.3期刊登胡正微文章,比较已经和曾经的语法 意义。可惜没有用到语料库材料。从语料库中我们能够看出它们的异同 究竟是什么?
xujiajin 管理员 Staff member 2005-07-22 #2 好主意,我觉得不错! Ocean Maybe we can use different corpus data we have at hand to test our understanding of the nuance between near synonyms. Xujiajin Interesting proposal! Thanks. Xiaoz
好主意,我觉得不错! Ocean Maybe we can use different corpus data we have at hand to test our understanding of the nuance between near synonyms. Xujiajin Interesting proposal! Thanks. Xiaoz
X xiaoz 永远的超级管理员 Staff member 2005-07-22 #3 Semantically, jijing means that a situation has been actualized (often occurs with -le/le) while cengjing indicates that a sitaution has been experienced (often occurs with -guo).
Semantically, jijing means that a situation has been actualized (often occurs with -le/le) while cengjing indicates that a sitaution has been experienced (often occurs with -guo).