
用wordsmith来提取n-gram的话是不是就用cluster功能?这样的话n-gram就等同于 cluster?比如我用wordsmith的cluster功能比较两个英语语料库的tri-gram就通过cluster来做可以吗?那么接下来如果想做n-gram keyword是把两个cluster list分别输入keyword下面的词表就可以了吗?

回复: 弱问:n-gram和cluster的区别?

Word clusters, lexical bundles, n-grams, and multi-word units are different names for the same phenomenon. The first two are commonly used in linguistics and the latter two are more common in NLP.
回复: 弱问:n-gram和cluster的区别?

Word clusters, lexical bundles, n-grams, and multi-word units are different names for the same phenomenon. The first two are commonly used in linguistics and the latter two are more common in NLP.

请问怎么样在wordsmith4里提取词块word cluster,我的wordsmith是使用版本的,可以吗,谢谢
回复: 弱问:n-gram和cluster的区别?

WordSmith 4 可以,但试用版不行。