I wanna learn more about WordSmith

I want to know more about WordSmith though i searched in google i could find more information. If anyone do have a perfect site link about the same please share to me
回复: I wanna learn more about WordSmith

维基百科 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WordSmith
17页的中文教程 http://www.doc88.com/p-144665654394.html
运用了wordsmith的文章列表 http://www.360doc.com/content/08/0730/19/31752_1490295.shtml
448页的英文详细帮助 http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=sin...bWpgnSr3-68Xbfr-QehKcHFo6sd8_4Pq_3k2sbhizaUO7
9页的PPT http://www.doc88.com/p-29535085236.html
1996年的wordsmith简介 http://users.ox.ac.uk/~ctitext2/resguide/resources/w135.html
wordsmith官网 http://www.lexically.net/wordsmith/
功能与wordsmith类似的antconc的生动活泼的图文教程(我本人做的) http://www.docin.com/p-469407203.html
KWIC Concordance (日本造的强大检索软件,类似wordsmith) http://www.chs.nihon-u.ac.jp/eng_dpt/tukamoto/kwic_e.html (需要安装.net 4.0或3.5)
.Net 3.5 的下载地址 http://rj.baidu.com/soft/detail/23411.html?ald
.Net 4.0 的下载地址 http://rj.baidu.com/soft/detail/15910.html?ald
回复: I wanna learn more about WordSmith

Read the manual or the help files, you won't need any "more" information.
回复: I wanna learn more about WordSmith

You can get lots and lots of articles about the poet william wordsworth by searching in the search engine.